Stress Management

Let us help you Cope with Stress!

We are here when you need us, we understand what you're going through. We will ensure that you get the best support.


What is Stress?

Pilots may encounter stress more frequently than the average person

Stress is a common feeling that everyone experiences every once in a while. As a pilot it is important to have the right tools and mechanisms to deal with stress without letting it affect performance. 

Pilot stress can be caused by personal or work related problems, it is important to understand what stress is and the impact it can have on your performance. Pilot rosters can sometimes be hectic, and work schedules can be taxing on an individual. Pilots have an incredible amount of responsibility, and we provide the right support so you can manage stress effectively.

Totally Natural

While stress may feel unnatural at times, it is the body's physiological response to changes in the environment. Stress is the “fight or flight” response , and is completely normal.

Can do good

Stress may help increase performance and is considered beneficial in certain situations.
When stress is acute and short-term, known as eustress, and is linked to improved responsiveness and increased memory.

When is it bad?

Stress is a high state of arousal, and can have negative impacts on daily routine. Stress may impact sleep habits, ability to concentrate, motivation, mood and may cause feelings of fatigue, restlessness or irritability.

Not Alone

High levels of stress can feel isolating in an aviation career. Talking with us in this safe, confidential environment can help you.  Even one session can help you.

Stress Coping Methods


How we can help

Pilot Peer Support for you!

While it’s important to realize that stress is something that many Pilots’ encounter, we also want to reduce those levels and promote healthier ways to manage the distress you may be dealing with, our qualified Pilot Peer Support professionals can help through 
  • Counselling by appointment
  • Coaching recommendations 
  • Referrals to specialists

How to Cope with Stress

Steps to help Alleviate Stress
  • Press Pause

    When you’re distressed, it may feel as though life’s demands hit suddenly. In moments like this, it can be helpful to press pause and re-centre yourself. Stop what you’re doing, take a deep breath and take a moment to clear your mind of any distracting thoughts or feelings. Studies have shown that practicing mindfulness has been shown to reduce stress levels.

  • Map It Out

    As Pilots, we often have many competing obligations. One way to organize your thoughts, and help you stress less, is to plan out what you need to do and set some goals. You may choose to use a planner, create your own to do list, set goals or use a calendar. I’ve found that writing down my tasks helps me visualize and organize my thoughts and goals more effectively.

  • Do Something for Yourself

    Responsibilities are important, but self-care is extremely important. Make sure to set some time aside for yourself to do an activity or hobby you enjoy. This may include exercising, spending time in nature, talking with family or friends, reading a book (for fun, not class) or any other activity that brings you relaxation.

  • Use Your Resources

    Our portal contains a number of resources to help you manage your stress.  You can also make an appointment with a peer support advisor, in confidence. The import thing is to reach out and speak to somebody. 

  • Find What Works for You

    Every person experiences stress differently, and at times, it can be as unique as you. While some of the tips above may help some individuals experiencing stress, there may be other things that you want to try. Try out different techniques and find what works for you! Stress may be inevitable at times, but that doesn’t mean we have to let it get the better of us. When you press pause and take steps to relieve your stress, you’re already one step ahead of the game.

Get the support you need

If you are experiencing stress, the Pilot Peer Support team are qualified to help you deal with your challenges. Select an appointment time to suit your schedule.

Related Information

By Sunny Matharu 05 Nov, 2018
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